
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Drive (2011)

"My partner is a belligerent asshole with his back up against a wall, and now, so am I."

Hi World,

  I came across this poster while doing a little googling, and I fell in love. I just had to see this movie. If the movie is half as good as the poster design, then it is going to be great. 

  A great movie poster will draw in viewers without any prior knowledge about it. That is exactly what this poster did, and the movie was fantastic to back it up. I could say a million things about what made the movie itself a success, but I'll just leave it at, "you really need to watch it."

  There are a lot of things that make this poster a success: the dimensionality, the text, the color scheme, the focus, the simplicity, and so on. The most successful piece of this design is the creation of 2-demensional planes. I love when artist play with the dimensionality of a typically flat design. There is a great sense of depth that is created by the interaction with Gosling and the text. It draws you deeper into the poster starting with his character, to the text, and through the car into the city.

  Here is the movie trailer if you are interested!

Until Next Time,

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