
Monday, November 27, 2017

Arrival (2016)

"If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?"

Hi World,

  I am a sucker for a good alien movie, but I was a little set back by the design of this poster. This is my least favorite poster that I have come across in awhile. The floating heads have been quite a trend in the world of movie posters...and that trend needs to end. There is nothing creative about plopping in a few floating heads or bodies without any thought. There are a bunch of little pieces thrown together that do not get viewers excited about the movie.

  I have no clue how the designer of this poster left the biggest part of this movie hidden in the chaos. The ship! It is a unique shape that is unlike the "typical" UFO. Why wasn't this used as the center of attention in a movie...about an alien invasion?

  I found another version of this poster that is much more successful than the official poster that was released. This poster makes me curious. What is that thing? The text "Why are they here?" indicates some kind of alien, and I am excited to see this movie. In my opinion, the text should read "Why wasn't I the official poster?"

Until Next Time,

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