
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

"Can you summon an army of spiders?"

Hi World,

  I like the play with the angles in this poster. Usually the horizon line is...well...horizontal. But with this poster it is changed up a bit, and it works. What also works very well for this poster is the simplicity of the design. It is no secret how I feel about simple design, and this poster goes to show that something does not need to be cluttered and complicated to be successful. Unfortunately, this was just a promo poster and not the official. Marvel has gotten into a slump with their poster game. Here is the official poster released for Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017):

   I don't understand the concept of floating heads and partial humans. It is a cluttered mess. The first poster that I shared was simple and eye catching. My eye doesn't know what to do with this poster. Simplicity is the key to a great poster. Why over-complicate? It is time to break the curse of the floating heads!

Here are a few other Marvel posters that suffer from the same curse: 

  Marvel has truly brought a universe to life with perfect writing, acting, and directing. I can see that the curse of the floating heads has become a staple for their poster design, and I am disappointed. I understand unity in branding, but it is time to break away from the floating heads and bring out the masterpieces I know they can produce.

Until Next Time,

Monday, December 4, 2017

7 Elements

Hi World,

  1. Attention
  2. Iconography
  3. Interest
  4. Appeal
  5. Style
  6. Lasting Appeal
  7. Recognizability

  What makes a movie poster successful? These seven elements were mentioned in a blog post that I read recently by Webdesigner Depot. I would have to say that the most important of the seven is a movie posters lasting appeal. When a poster is easily recognized and remembered decades after it's release...then we can safely assume that it includes each of the seven elements on the list and more.

  Below is an example of element #3...Interest. If an audience isn't interested in the poster, why would they see the movie? Check the link above, and learn a bit about these seven elements that make a great movie poster!

Until Next Time,